The DevOps Effect: Big and Beneficial Changes You Can Expect from Adapting DevOps Practices

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There are plenty of excellent reasons why any business should implement the DevOps approach within their company. But here, we’re going to focus on the four major things you can expect when you implement DevOps strategies within your company.

Better Tools

One of the things that DevOps brings is the opportunity to use new technology, especially when it comes to tools and systems. Any company can benefit from re-tooling the workforce. For example, implementing the use of a production and operations planning software and automating standard processes to ensure a smoother flow of a process.

This is done more efficiently. Including these two important things in your toolchain will ensure that no work is left undone and that each and every step in the process is completed. Tool efficiency improves work output, which in turn produces value that is reflected in the products and services that reach your customers.

Improved Mindset

Seeing things with fresh eyes is another thing that DevOps is particular about. By improving the ways and methods that have been in place for some time, an organization can assess the efficiency of their value stream mapping.

They have the opportunity to eliminate waste in the stream and improve work dependencies and relationships within and between teams. This results in a new perspective and outlook on how work should and must be done.

DevOps removes the barrier between back and front end teams, allowing them to work together seamlessly and effectively, with better communication and work visibility, to boot. This keeps both ends on the same page and be able to change each end’s approach towards handing off work and providing feedback from either side.

Smoother Workflow

We mentioned value stream and workflow in the above paragraphs; these two elements are crucial to the successful application and adaptation of DevOps practices. Removing wasteful steps and processes, like unnecessary work, in the stream reduces the amount of time in between tasks, handoffs, and lead times.

The result is a higher work turn-in rate, faster delivery rates, and improved product and service quality. It fosters a more ideal work environment where the flow of work is continuous and with fewer constraints throughout the entire process.

Better Internal Communication

tech devices using to communicate

Dividing the line between dev and ops is systematically eradicated as better, and more systematic communication methods are being implemented. Stronger communication paths bridge the gap between dev and ops. More collaborative effort toward creating valuable products and services enhances customer relationships and which customers can benefit from. It is often said that the work output mirrors the internal work systems and communication methods within the company or a large organization.

Putting a premium on internal communication methods provides any business – big or small, clear direction and the ability to ensure that things are flowing at the right pace, in the right order. It also paves the way for easier problem solving as matters of concern can be raised quickly and easily through the appropriate channels.

It’s often been said that deeply ingrained institutional habits are hard to break and often the cause for any business to fail in keeping up with the ever-changing demands of the business and its customers. This is where adapting the DevOps approach will prove beneficial to your business – whether big or small.